Matictic, Norzagaray, Bulacan

Bakas is located at Barangay Matictic. It is a very interesting spot where the foot markings of the legendary Bernardo Carpio and his pets can be found. The place presents a lush green scenery, with fresh air and cool, clean and calm flowing current.

boundary of Barangay San Lozenzo and San Mateo, Norzagaray, Bulacan

Bakas is located between Barangay San Lorenzo and San Mateo. Bitbit river is the first river crossing before Hilltop. Bitbit is nestled right in the Sierra Madre mountain range (the longest in the country). Its part of the Angat-Ipo-La Mesa Dam Raw Water System that provides potable water to Metro Manila. The area is largely untouched, the water is cool and clear. Interesting rock formations dot the area.

Barangay San Lozenzo, Norzagaray, Bulacan

Angat Dam is located in Barangay San Lorenzo (Hilltop), Norzagaray, Bulacan. It supplies potable water to Metro Manila and powers a hydro-electric power plant. The dam is 131 meters high and impounds water from the Angat River that subsequently created the Angat Lake.

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